I found this and...I dont know. It just didnt feel right to me. It was pretty hard for me to watch how they actually give themself an excuse of becoming like it, and want to take control of everything.
I felt sad for this guy when he said
"Think about when you were 5 years old, and how many are still friends?"
this was totally off the point and it was just hard for me to understand how they feel.... I do not criticise them or anything, just that there are some people who think like this. Click and watch whenever you have time=)
When Adrian Grenier played a roll in The Devil Wears Prada, I didnt had much attention to his acting....but! when I was searching for shortfilms on YouTube, I found an awesome shortfilm which he starred, it called the "Across the Hallway". Its kind of old but still great, especially the scenario is well written, so many hidden message; like in the last episode, Terry says to Julian(Adrian) "You probably get your story straight"...
Since I make documentary at my university, it was a nice lecture to see how they took, the color, and so on.
Whoever is interested, Here are the short films!
プラダを着た悪魔の時に出演していたエイドリアン・グリネーは大して僕に印象を与えなかったけど…でも!今日Youtubeでショートフィルムを探してるときに彼が主演で出てるショートフィルムを見つけて、彼の好演に思わず見入ってしまった☆ 「Across the Hallway」と題されたこの映画は、シナリオが本当に上手。背後に隠された意味を知った時はかなり納得できます! テリーが第3話でポロっと言う"You probably get your story straight"とかね。
So I was surfing the internet to get some new feature for my Firefox and found a Firefox Add-on which makes Firefox its self as a screen saver; Its called FoxSaver.The pictures are calm and relaxing so maybe good when you just want to chill for a bit.
The pictures are all very high resolution and comfortable to watch.
The Add-on was okay but I got more interested in the photo and luckly there was the photographer's address and so I went to the web site. It was absolutely nice!!!! Creative, nice composition, and beautiful color. I personally like this one.
Whenever I see digital pictures and find the web site address on the bottom, I always thought it was disturbing the photo. However, like in this case, it actually lead me to a better picture experince. So from now on, I strongly suggest to have your creative portfolio website address on the bottom...with a small small font=)
I watched SICKO!! I was pretty pumped to see this film, not only Michael Moore filmed it but had this expectation what is going to be revealed (since I love America...you know...)
I remember when I was in the US, my friends often told me "If you are living here, stay healthy...NEVER GET SICK, got hurt? dude, youre screwed" It just sounded funny and didn't really take it serious, till I torn my ACL....
I was an exchange student at that time and although I had a health insurance under the name of my university, it didn't really function well. I needed to give an inquiry every time I got the billing from the insurance company; although I just went to see a doctor once and didn't got any pills!
When I asked the doctor for an estimate to reconstruct my ACL, I got an estimate for $3000 for the surgery and said it will cost slightly more adding my rehabilitaiton after the surgery. Of course this was an estimate for an exchange student coverd by the insurance, I don't know how much will it cost for an american. I went back to Japan and took the surgery, it only cost me about $400.
So why is it differ so much? Why does a middle finger cost more than a ring finger when you cut it off both? Is it because the middile finger is a bit longer than the other??
I still love America but just by focusing on this issue, America's health insurance is totally unhealthy. They take this as a business too much...well, Picture(Film) is worth a thousand words, so whoever has a potential to become ill, get hurt, or strongly believes in their government, its worth watching!!
そんな彼女と東京に行き、彼女は東京の夜に魅了されていました。歌舞伎町の赤々としたネオンと熱気にやられて Lost in Translation 状態になりながらも興奮しきりでした。デジカメで歌舞伎町をムービーで撮りだして、僕は本当に撮ってはいけないモノ?人?が写らないように誘導するのに必死でしたwまた機会があればそれも載せようと思います。
This blog is one way to keep expressing my self and to improve my writing skills both in english and in Japanese. Recently my interests are towards to Advertisement, Photography, and loads of inputs from whom I met.